Thursday, January 10, 2008

Going to India

Well... here I go again... and with another blog!!! This time it's to India, and with my pastor, Larry Swayze, and his daughter (as well as my friend) Esther Swayze. We will be joined by a few others I think, and will meet up with a few local pastors and their wives whom Pastor Larry knows.
I'm not giving any details as to where we are going or what we are doing, because it's midnight, we leave tomorrow, and I'm not finished packing yet...
I'm planning on a few updates, and maybe some pix too.... I'll have my world traveling camara and laptop!!!
Please pray for us as we are traveling through about 3 days, between the time difference and a 12 hour layover in Singapore!!!
So stay tuned for more info to come!!! God Bless you all!!!!


Bethany said...

Yay! I'm so glad to see that you will be keeping a blog! I had hoped you would, but thought it unlikely due to Internet availability. I hope you get opportunities to update - I'll check here frequently, just in case!:) Love you tons!

Todd said...

Well....i just left ya at the airport. I think the idea of you being gone two weeks is starting to sink in... But i'm totally excited to see what God has for you there! We are all praying for you!!!!! May God bless, and you be a blessing!